Atul Tyagi (Bhartiya)
2 min readJun 11, 2024
Unleashing Divine Potential: Aspiring for Qualities that Transform the Impossible

All qualities that are seen as divine are none other than the divine itself. Aspirants can only pray. Once the divine chooses you, you should be ready to face the turbulence as time passes. These turbulences will be sent to transform you for the better.

The qualities that I will be talking about are not something that comes easily. It takes a couple of lifetimes to be ready to honor them. Despite people with ambitions, those with vairagya (detachment) and vision are chosen to experience it.

Thus, if you are looking to get something out of it, then I must say that this knowledge is not for you because it will consistently make you do things that will help in establishing dharma even if the circumstances do not seem to favor you.

Qualities for Establishing Dharmic Vision and Not Ambition.

1. Virya - Exhibiting extraordinary courage to remain resolute and composed in adverse situations.

2. Parakrama - Valor with intelligence to protect dharma (righteousness).

3. Dhruti - Performing duties with principles, reflecting commitment even in the most unfavorable conditions.

4. Krupa - Empathy and compassion with sensitivity, reflecting inclusiveness.

5. Panditya/Sumedha - Mastering the knowledge of both the inner and outer worlds, with decisions always guided by supreme wisdom, which arises only after years of penance.

6. Krutajna - Practicing gratitude towards everything in nature around. This defines the greatness of an individual living it daily.

7. Samata - Reflecting the balance of body, mind, emotions, and energy. It takes a lot of penance to balance these four dimensions where you are neither excited nor depressed but largely equanimous in your expression.

8. Kshama - One who forgives but never forgets.

9. Tejas - The radiance of the aura that develops only after the grace and blessings received from the guru. Here, the guru is a dimension, not a person.

10. Dama - One who has mastered his five senses. His actions are guided by awareness of consciousness and not by the tendencies he or she is born with.

11. Aloluptva (Non-Jealousy) - One who has risen above his ego and does things to execute a larger vision rather than satisfy personal ambitions.

12. Priya-vak - One who knows what to speak. Choosing the right words can make you win hearts.

13. Vinaya - Modesty, which in modern terms is not largely celebrated, yet it is something that makes you grounded and instills in you the understanding that you are just a product of the times.

14. Svayam-prakasha - One who has become capable of invoking the divine within and does not depend on any external source for his light.

15. Vairagya or Detachment - Virakti is something very hard to manifest. Once established, you are no less than divine.

I know that it will not be easy to imbibe the qualities mentioned above, but striving for them defines the character of an individual.