Atul Tyagi (Bhartiya)
2 min readJun 14, 2024
The most contemporary manifestation of the divine taught us the art of diplomacy.

When Lord Krishna came here as an avatar, even after realizing his true identity, he didn't shy away from the practicalities of life.

You need to understand that there is a difference in the degree of consciousness (chetna) of every person you come across in life, and so hardcore spirituality will not be understood by the majority around. Thus, if you want the dharmic (seeking, not believing) or pagan cultural ways of life to progress, then you as a community, or people who are looking to seek and not believe, have to come together to take some drastic and aggressive steps against the forces who are here to destroy the dharmic (seeking) ways of life and are not interested in what the actual dharmic way is all about.

This was the actual mistake that we made in history, where we thought that actual spirituality was all about realization and that we didn't have to react to the barbaric forces that came around. I know that reaction is not the best way to go about things, but when it comes to civilizational survival, you have to decide to draw the swords out.

We should understand this by taking the example of Vishwamitra, when the demon Marich was creating obstacles in the yagya being performed. Guru Vishwamitra was a realized being, yet he decided to bring Lord Rama to kill the demon Marich. So you have to discern what language needs to be spoken for the kind of person, ideology, religion, or energy you are facing.

You can't just say, "Oh, this demon doesn't understand true spirituality." By the time you do, you might be dead. First, protect yourself, then preach and go for self-realization.

This is the reason why we see dvarapalakas depicted outside ancient temples. They are always depicted with swords and aggression because you can't have a spiritual or intellectual conversation with crooked people or demons who have come just to destroy you.