Atul Tyagi (Bhartiya)
3 min read1 day ago
Reviving Marriage while Embracing Adoption Forward.

The rise of individualism is a complex phenomenon driven by technological, economic, cultural, and psychological factors. As societies continue to evolve, individualism is likely to remain a prominent feature, shaping how people live, work, and interact. Understanding this trend is crucial for navigating the changing landscape of modern life, where personal freedom and self-expression play central roles.

Individualism has both inclusive and exclusive dimensions. When paired with a sense of community and social responsibility, it can contribute to a society that values personal freedom and diversity while maintaining strong, supportive social structures.

Individualism, which is on the rise, has begun to influence human behavior in certain domains. Altering relationship chemistry, especially marriage.

1: Weakening social cohesion:

When individuals prioritize ambitions over collective well-being, then community bonds are bound to weaken. Over-individualism is by far the major reason that has been responsible for reducing empathy and cooperation among people.

2: New-age compulsions lead to depression:

Information overload through social media platforms makes the individual lose track of time and eventually makes them feel worthless.

3: Peer pressure and rat-race have created mental health issues:

In spite of self-reflecting or understanding oneself, many get swayed by the influences around them.

4: Globalization:

Exposure to different cultures and lifestyles can alter perceptions of relationships and individual roles within them.

5: Absence of Spirituality: The cord that connects two individuals on a conscious level is found to be misaligned when the strive for learning the higher dynamics is absent. Here, the rights kick in, where the responsibility of an individual takes a backseat.

6: Ignorance generally leads to arrogance:

The absence of inclusiveness and wisdom leads to apathy. Such individuals are seen to be insensitive about the situations and circumstances around them.

Couples separated by accident or divorce can still find fulfillment and purpose through adoption. Adoption can provide a renewed sense of hope and joy by offering a loving home to a child in need. For individuals navigating the challenges of separation, the act of caring for and nurturing a child can foster healing and create a meaningful bond. By focusing on the child’s well-being and seeking support from adoption professionals and counselors, separated individuals can build a new family dynamic that brings positive change and strengthens their lives.

Let’s come together to strengthen the family bond so that no family comes on the verge of disruption, plus we should also create an ambience that can give a helping hand to the people who have lost their loved ones or have been separated facing unfortunate circumstances by creating ways for people who want to start a family but lack the courage and guidance to walk the less traveled path. Adoption can be a solution for many, and breaking society’s taboo is a collective responsibility that we all should voluntarily do.

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