Atul Tyagi (Bhartiya)
1 min readJun 12, 2024
Kalari Payattu: The Ancient Martial Art and How Bodhidharma Introduced It to China.

Kalaripayattu, an ancient martial art from Kerala, India, has a history of over 3,000 years, making it one of the oldest fighting systems. The term "Kalaripayattu" combines "Kalari" (battlefield) and "Payattu" (fight). Originally practiced by Kerala's warrior clans, its roots trace back to the Dhanurveda, an ancient text on warfare. Bodhidharma, a Buddhist monk, is believed to have introduced Kalaripayattu to China in the 6th century AD, influencing Chinese martial arts like Kung Fu.

Benefits of Kalaripayattu

1. Physical Fitness - Enhances strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination.

2. Self-Defense Skills - Teaches techniques for various combat situations, with and without weapons.

3. Mental Discipline - Develops focus, clarity, and calmness under pressure.

4. Spiritual Growth - Incorporates yoga and meditation, promoting inner peace and self-awareness.

5. Healing Techniques - Includes traditional medicine and knowledge of Marma points.

6. Cultural Preservation - Connects practitioners with Kerala's rich history and traditions.

7. Improved Posture and Balance - Enhances body alignment and balance through diverse movements.

8. Stress Relief - Combines physical activity with meditation to reduce stress and anxiety.

Widely practiced in Kerala, Kalaripayattu is internationally recognized for its historical significance and benefits.